Enduring Gift Society

Members of the Enduring Gift Society have cumulative lifetime giving totaling $100,000 or more (exclusive of estate commitments, but including estate realizations). Membership is lifetime.
Tiers within the society recognize higher levels of giving as follows:
- Platinum — $5 million or above
- Gold — $1 million to $4,999,999
- Silver — $500,000-$999,999
- Bronze — $100,000-$499,999
To learn more about how to maximize your philanthropic impact for students and faculty at Carthage today and for generations to come through annual current-use, planned, or endowed gifts, contact the Office of Advancement at 262-551-5700.
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and predecessor bodies
- The N. E. Tarble Family
- Donald ’50 and Marilyn Hedberg and the Hedberg Family Foundation
- Siebert Lutheran Foundation, Inc.
- Joel Bleeke ’75 Charitable Foundation
- The Estate of Harriet Borg
- The Estate of Irene E. (Schuknecht) Borsh ’70
- Elizabeth Kassel Brown and the late Howard Brown
- Steven and Cindy Chapman and the Chapman Charitable Foundation
- Helen Clausen and the late A. W. (Tom) Clausen ’44 and the late Peggy Clausen
- The Estate of Joycelynn Clausen
- Virginia ’74 (Altera) and Robert Cornog
- Judith ’61 (Ewig) and John Fritsch
- The Estate of Wesley and Mildred Gallup
- The Estate of Emmert ’27 and Leola ’27 Gassman
- The late Paul ’38 and Inez Goerner
- Jeff ’80 and Susan Hamar
- Jockey International, Inc. and the Steigerwaldt and Waller Families
- The late Samuel and Imogene Johnson, and SC Johnson
The Estate of Inez G. Koch
Grace Kolakowski
- The Kresge Foundation
- Craig Leipold and Helen Johnson-Leipold
- The late Joseph Madrigrano Sr. and the late Shirley Madrigrano
- The Estate of Robert Morin
- The Estate of George H. Musch
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Science Foundation
- The late William ’41 and Doris Niemann
- The Estate of George ’24 and Hazel Osborn
- LeAnn Pederson Pope ’79 and Clyde Smith McGregor
- The Estate of Elsie Queckenstedt
- Alan Ruud
- Susan (Young) Ruud Stover ’69
- Franklin I. and Irene List Saemann Foundation
- Loren H. Semler ’65 and the late Vickie (Myers) Semler ’67
- Samuel and Berry Shoen
- Edward ’57 and Alice ’57 (Lawler) Smeds
- Snap-on Incorporated
- John Stewig
- Catherine Straz and the late David Straz Jr.
- Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and predecessor organizations
- The late Albert Van Maren ’65 and Connie (Maples) Van Maren
- The late Mary ’39 (Kimbrough) and Albert Webb
- Todd Wehr Foundation
- Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc.
- Abbott Laboratories Fund
- Patrick ’85 and Kimberly Anderson
- Mary Bishop
- The Estate of Werner and Hazel Bothe
- The Estate of Alice ’35 (Moody) and Robert Chapin
- The late Lila Collins
- Mary (Palmer) Enroth and the late Leonard Enroth
- The late Owen Fess ’40
- Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation
- Hoyt Harper II ’77 and Beth Eggenberger
- The Estate of Elizabeth Hrajnoah
- The Estate of Harlan J. Ingwalson
- The late C. Charles Jackson ’43
- The Estate of Edna Johnson
- The Estate of Ruth Johnson
- The late Samuel and Imogene Johnson, and SC Johnson
- Elizabeth Kassel Brown and the late Howard Brown
- Thomas ’73 and Lisa Kieso
- Thomas ’63 and Martha Lentz
- Eric Lorentzen
- Gina Madrigrano Friebus ’76 and William Friebus
- The Estate of Ruth A. Maxwell ’74
- The late Janet May
- Gloria and the late Charles Mullen
- Andrew and Jane Palmen
- The late Mary Palmer
- Clifton and Gladys Peterson
- Nicholas and Lee Pinchuk
- Racine Community Foundation Inc.
- The Estate of Alice ’39 (Mack) and Neill Rowe
- The Estate of Betty H. Schenck
- The Estate of Lorraine Sinkler
- The Steigerwaldt and Waller Familes
- The late William ’64 and Barbara ’64 (Susina) Stewart
- 1335 Foundation
- Nadine and the late George Acker ’34
- Altria Group, Inc.
- American Chemical Society
- The Estate of Clarence Anderson
- The late Irma (Niekamp) ’48 and the late Alan ’50 Anderson
- The Estate of Mary Frost Ashley
- Jody Zuraitis and the late Mark Barmak
- The Estate of Ella Sue Beck ’29
- Cary Bjork ’68
- Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
- Brady Corporation
- The late Patricia ’66 (Thompson) and Harold Brainard
- Lucy Brown and Steven Minn
- The late Roger Brown
- David and Lyn Brunn
- Ann (Wagner) Bundgaard and the late Axel Bundgaard
- Barbara and F. Gregory Campbell
- The Estate of Wilbur and Martha Capps
- The late Howard ’38 and E. Ruth Carlson
- George ’77 and Toni Chardukian
- The Estate of Charles ’39 and Vivian Chevillon
- The Estate of Marie E. Children
- Richard and Patricia Christman
- Chrysler Foundation
- Consolidated Papers Foundation, Inc.
- Miriam (Spielman) Cotanch ’41 and the late Robert Cotanch ’42
- The Estate of Robert P. Cowden
- The Estate of Valborg Crossland
- The late David ’43 and Estelle Dale
- W. Craig ’72 and Janice ’74 (Ryden) Deaton
- The Estate of Wayne and Ruth Diehl
- The late William ’48 and June ’41 (Thomsen) Diehl
- Robert and Lois Dittus
- The Estate of Ronald and Wilma Dopp
- The Estate of Stephen B Dozier ’30
- The Estate of Frank W. and Susan Drew
- Tom and Janice Duncan
- Fredric Edelman
- The Estate of Adele Eisenhower ’41
- Donald Eken ’65 and the late Virginia Eken
- The late Dorothy ’27 (Mueller) and George ’28 Eykamp
- John ’86 and Katherine (Semler) Felton ’88
- The Estate of Earl Fenn
- James and the late Connie Ferwerda
- Hugh ’66 and Elizabeth ’65 (Dean) Foster
- Charles and Laura Gage
- Galleher Corporation
- The Estate of Earl Garard ’22
- Gateway Mortgage Corporation
- Wesley Geib and the late Cynthia ’71 (Osgood) Geib
- The Estate of Betty Gies ’49
- The Estate of Pearl Goeller ’20
- The Estate of Dorothy Goos ’56
- John Gorton ’66
- Greater Kenosha Area Foundation
- Greater Milwaukee Foundation
- The late Hoover Grimsby and Shirley Grimsby
- Edna Gross ’38 and the late Kenneth Gross
- Betsy Hanisch ’81 and Thomas Sawyer
- Mae(Voth) Harris ’52 and the late Jack Harris ’49
- Sarah ’87 (Hunt) and William Harris
- The late Ortha ’48 (Berger) and Kenneth Harstad
- Peggy Hedberg ’81
- Helwig Foundation
- Christine (Burkee) Hobbs ’71 and Richard Hobbs
- Steven and Meg Hopp
- The Estate of Richard Immenhausen ’55
- The Johnson’s Wax Fund, Inc.
- The Estate of George L. Karstetter ’38
- The late Pearl Kesselring
- Annette (Walser) Kilver ’52
- The John J. and Ruth F. Kloss Charitable Trust
- Sharon (Gollish) Koelsch ’69
- Joyce (Helwig) Koenitzer ’51 and the late John Koenitzer
- Christine Krueger ’71
- Frederick ’83 and Joan Krull
- Patricia ’76 (Pierman) and David Larson
- Lee Plumbing Mechanical Contractors Inc. and the Lee Families
- Robert Jr. and Linda Lee
- Thomas J. Lentz
- Julie Lentz Cohen
- The late Odelle ’54 (Monte) and Ralph Leonard ’51
- The Estate of Henry A. and Mary L. Link
- The late Norman and Grace Lutz
- The Estate of Gladys Lynch
- Katherine Madrigrano Comi ’81 and Luigi Comi
- Barbara Madrigrano and the late Glenn Madrigrano Sr.
- Thomas Madrigrano
- The Estate of Ruth J. Mandelbaum ’50
- Richard Marconi ’56
- Frederick Marks ’48 and the late Jewel ’46 (Beres) Marks
- Dean ’84 and Donna Matthews
- Oralee (Keene) McNamara and the late James McNamara ’62
- The Estate of Mark Meyer ’73
- The Jack Miller Center
- Alan ’79 and Sally Mills
- Dennis Monroe ’74 and Nancy Weingartner
- Diane Muri
- Maria Nalywayko and Bohdan Drobenko
- National Space Grant Foundation
- The Estate of Carl O. Nelson
- The Estate of Ernest and Edna Newhouse
- The Estate of Eric Olson
- Palmen Auto Stores
- The Estate of Marianne ’61 (Reed) and James Parker
- John Pender
- Rita Petretti
- Kurt Piepenburg ’77 and Kate Jerome
- Terry ’70 and Evelyn Pillinger
- The late Eugene Potente Jr. and the late Joan Potente
- The late Dolores (Ronk) Prellberg ’50
- The Estate of Susan C. Rahm ’69
- The late Charles and Kathryn Reynolds ’49
- The Estate of Evelyn A. Rogers
- The late Robert ’35 and Rebecca Romeis
- W. David and Gael Romoser
- Ruud Lighting, Inc.
- Eleanor and the late Glenn Sather
- The Estate of Ruth Schaefer 1907
- The late Wilma Schneider ’51
- The Estate of Carol Schuster Gronau
- John Seal ’72
- Eleanor and the late Glenn Semler ’96
- Loren W. Semler ’96 and Karen Semler ’96
- The Estate of Pamela Sherer ’71
- Elinor B. Siklossy
- John Jr. ’65 and Celia Sladek
- Diane ’76 (Jole) and the late Phil’74 Slocum
- The Estate of Jeanette Smith
- The Estate of Donald Sondrol ’57
- The Estate of Wilfred Sonntag ’26
- The late Margaret O. Spangler and John Spangler ’43
- Linda Staubitz and the late Arthur Staubitz
- The late Ethel (Williams) Steffey ’27
- Mark Stich
- The Estate of Helen F. Stolldorf ’26
- The Estate of Marion Strom
- John and Cameron Swallow
- Steven and Kristin Tripp
- Dennis and Natalie Troha
- The late Ross ’43 and Margaret ’42 (Doering) Trower
- Jim ’63 and LaRue ’64 (Rhine) Unglaube
- Karen Van Lone ’74 and Richard Britton
- June ’63 (Boatman) and Ashton Waller
- The late Delferd Walser ’25
- Lawrence Weiss ’70
- Gary and Lucinda Wilson
- Wisconsin Energy Corporation, Inc.
- The late Raymond Worley and the late Joan Worley
- Jody Zuraitis and the late Mark Barmak